martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


With quarantine, people are having a very bad time because they don't have a job that provides hem and their family with enough resources to live upon. 

In my case my parents continue working since they work in the greenhouse picking up tomatoes. And not only them, all the people who work in the fields or in warehouses, in factories ... since we need food to eat, things for the household or anything else that is essential. Those who work in hospitals or politicians also continue to have their jobs. But other people who are dedicated to business such as hotels, shops, restaurants, bars do not have a job and they do not have enough to pay for the things they need either. But since the second day of May, the businesses could be opened with 50% of their capacity, since we must respect the distance between us so as not to infect each other and stop this virus.

I think that now with the heat we are less contagious since we are having a shower all the time and the heat helps the virus not to spread as quickly.


Nowadays the role of a teacher is very important and more difficult than before.

Now most of the students, especially the secondary school students, are scoundrels.
Every time you lose more respect for teachers and our classmates and it is very difficult to teach. In addition, there are more and more students who have to share a class, some want to study and others just want to bother.
Most people think that the teachers' work is very easy since they only work in the morning, they have free afternoons , weekends, bridges, parties, holidays ... but being with so many students in a class is not something everyone would put up with it.

Now it is when we realize how much we need  teachers and how important  their work they do is not so easy.
Now it is the parents' turn to be the teachers and I do not think they are doing very well especially the younger children who do not want to learn or study, like my brother, who  my mother is always arguing with because she wants his homework. They just want to play, watch cartoons or eat, they don't want to study.
Now it is the time when the most important things is to learn letters, numbers, colors or body parts. Even me and my sister had a hard time adapting to this situation, but I think we got along well carrying out all the tasks we have. The lack of teachers and going to class and meeting your classmates, who you do not stop talking with, is quite noticeable.

In my opinion, I think that being a teacher is very difficult, I could not be because I do not think I could cope with so many children together and so many headaches.


The main cause of pollution is the human being.

People are the main reason that the planet is so polluted and so damaged. We are like machines that do not stop all day. Just going to work or going to school we pollute, since the gasoline that is obtained from oil is one of the products that most damages the planet. Many times it is necessary to use the car since where you need to go is very far, but there are people who take them only for a walk or to go to accomplish anything that is very close. The constant use of vehicles,either cars or buses or airplanes or ships, is very harmful to the Earth and people know it.  However, they have never decided to stop this, although currently it is not affecting us in any way.

Staying at home means that you use the car less and thus we pollute less. There is also less garbage in the streets or on the beaches since we cannot go out or walk and thus we avoid that the streets are always dirty and full of dirt.

It seems silly, but it is true, being at home helps the planet recover and be healthy. But this is not going to last long, because when you can go out people will continue to pollute.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Listening is very important in our lives.

It is very important to remain silent when a person speaks to you, and especially if he is older. We have to have respect for each other and listen to them. They have already gone through what we are going through now, and they know more things and we must listen to what they tell us and listen to them.

Teachers always want us to prosper and that in the future we can go to the university we want and have the work we want and that is why we have to listen to them.They are like our parents, who take care of us and want the best for us.

Quarantine is very hard and it affects us all. It is very difficult to be locked down for so many days and without being able to go out or be with your friends. Before, I didn't like going to high school because I had to get up early, but now, I miss high school, being with my classmates, talking and laughing in class and teacher getting mad at us and scolding us, eating on the sly, leaving the school, class and taking walks to waste time, etc.I hope to see my colleagues and friends soon and have fun as long as we can.


Staying at home is very difficult, but well we are all doing very well. We are taking care of ourselves and others, and that is very important. I think that all of us are trying to be strong with this situation and we do it very well, especially with the kids and teenagers, since it is more difficult for them, and they really miss those moments when they go out, have fun, play with friends. ..But don't worry, all this makes us stronger!

We are used to following a series of habits and carrying out tasks that we cannot do at the moment. But all this makes us stronger, day after day, not physically, but mentally stronger. We are learning to fight a virus and this is very good, because maybe in the future I will return or we will find more difficult situations and we will not be able to go outside, and we, as we have already been through this, will find it easier.

Learning is essential in our lives and we are on a journey of learning that will not stop. Every day we are going to learn something new that will help us in the future. Everything works, nothing is unnecessary, and we are improving psychically with this negative situation.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2020


We are all aware that the future of the planet is in our hands.

The decisions we make every day can affect us or our family members. It is very important that we all fight together and that we always support each other so that we are well and healthy and, above all, we have to take care of our grandparents and the people most sensitive to this virus.

We have to follow a series of rules that are not so difficult. We have to stay at home even if we don't like it, because only then we can be safe. It is very boring and very tiring to stay at home. We have been here for many days and staying longer is very difficult, but we have to endure because it depends on us to stop this spread. We also have to continually wash our hands, since this virus can also spread through the air.

So everything depends on us, it is in our hands to save or harm the planet.


Father's day is a very important day for them and also for the children.

This year, Father's Day is going to be very different, since we have to stay at home because of the Coronavirus.

My parents are divorced and my sister and I live with our mother.
My mother could not take us with our father since we cannot go outside, so this day we could not celebrate it  with our father. We called him and we were talking to him by video call so we could see him, at least.

He was very sad for not being able to spend this day with us, not even at home, but as we were talking he became more and more cheerful. We were talking for a long time and we agreed that when the quarantine ends we would go out and enjoy this important day.

I wish congratulations to all the parents in the world and I hope that the children take care of them as they are, because nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, but we must not forget that they will almost always be there to support us so let's enjoy this day with them.


In Spain the first case of Coronavirus was detected at the end of January, specifically on January 31st.

The politicians and the government did not think that it would be so risky or that everything would be contaminated so quickly, so they did not act quickly.

The alarm state was established just on 16th March, and there were already many cases of Coronavirus.

In China they are no longer affected since they all followed the rules, wore gloves and masks to avoid infection and stayed at home. They went out only when they needed to buy food or needed to go to the pharmacy.The Chinese have already found a vaccine for this virus and hopefully it will work.
What we have to do is follow the example of the Chinese and stay home.
So let's hope this happens.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020


I do not know much about Saint Patrick, but I know that it is a religious festival that is celebrated on 17th March would have had to be a very festive to commemorate the death of Saint Patrick.

As many people say, Saint Patrick taught and explained the Holy Trinity using a three-leaf clover. That is why we represent Saint Patrick in green.

Saint Patrick is a very celebrated holiday in Ireland and is also celebrated in other countries such as the United States or Argentina.
In Spain we also know Saint Patrick as ''San Patricio'', but it is not such a great festival and it is not celebrated as much as in Ireland.

March 17 would have to be a very festive day for Ireland, but because of the coronavirus  the parade had to be  cancelled, since people's health and lives are more important than, celebrating this festival.
All celebrations have also been cancelled  New York and Toronto because of this virus.

I hope that this virus will pass soon and next year the Irish will be able to celebrate this festival twice as much and with more enthusiasm.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2020


Quarantine is necessary for us to stop people infecting each other and to protect ourselves all together. We live in a community, where we have to take care of each other and, above all, we have to take care of our grandparents, people who have a cardiovascular disease or another disease that makes them more vulnerable to this virus.

Covid-19 is a virus very similar to the flu, but spreading much faster and it is much more dangerous. In most cases it can kill us.

So it is important to stay at home, without going out on the street, just to go to the pharmacy or to buy food.

Staying at home is very hard, especially for young children and teenagers. We are used to being on the street all day long, playing, walking out with our friends or just walking and so not being able to leave our houses is very hard.

The teachers send us  homeworks that we have to do by mail or by PASEN and it is different, since you do not have to get up early to go to secondary school.

This is all very boring, but we have to stay home for this to happen very to finish soon and we have to take care of each other.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020


Nowadays pollution is a very serious problem that we are not going to stop.

Pollution is the biggest problem in the world since we know what it is and the consequence it can bring and yet we continue to pollute the environment day after day.

People today, especially teenagers, are very lazy and very passive because they know what it means, but since it doesn't affect them right now, they don't care if they pollute or not. Pollution is not an issue that has just appeared these days, but many years ago. And it will continue to grow  if we do not stop and try to help the environment since the Earth is our planet, where we all live, where our children and grandchildren will live and we must try to leave them a planet good to live. They can live in a much less polluting environment.

We must do something to save the future of the Earth and we can save it all together.

What we have to do is contaminate less, such as not using the car so much and walking, which is also healthy for us Recycling is very easy. We shouldn't throw any trash into the water or away on the streets because there are containers everywhere and you have to be more responsible.

Granada is one of the most polluted cities in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona, ​​so we must all collaborate to stop being one of the most polluting cities to make it a less co-polluting city.

     Comment 7:

Valentine's day is on 14th February .

This day is special for all couples as it is a day dedicated for them. This day couples give things, especially chocolates, teddy bears and roses.

In my secondary school this day was very beautiful, they have already given away many roses, secret love letters and some teddy bears.

But I think that this day is not only the day of couples, you can also give a gift to a friend, a friend to a relative to any person you want. For example, my friends gave me pink chocolates and stuffed animals and my mother gave me a perfume and a rose.

I believe that Valentine's Day is the day of love, no matter if it is a couple, It also represents friendship and love for your family.

Couples should not have to wait for this day to give your girlfriend or your boyfriend a thing, I think you would  have to do it every day showing your partner that you love him and you can give him something when you feel like it.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2020


Nature is a very quiet place.

Actually, nature helps you  a lot since when you are stressed, sad, angry, happy or have any other negative feeling, anyone goes and takes it out on nature.

When you go for a walk in a forest it reassures you and you feel very safe with yourself since you hear the sound of the birds, the leaves, the wind, the river, the harmony that is there is wonderful.

Also, when someone is very angry with oneself, they usually go to the beach since they take out their fury by throwing stones into the water, and they sit for a long time watching the horizon, watching and listening to the waves, the wind and think about all the things that are happening and you can calm down .

Nature really helps us a lot without us realizing it and we must respect and take care of it.


Gender violence is an issue that is trying to eliminate, above all, gender violence against women that still exists but less than before. Women are trying to achieve equality between themselves and men, they don't want to be superior, they just want to be equal.

This topic is being taught to children encouraging them to end this violence towards women and to be physical or psychic, which in the future we hope there will be less until these deaths, rapes and abuse towards women end.

In my secondary school IES Mediterraneo on 25th November , which is the international day of gender violence an hour before the break, we went out to the patio and handed a black or purple balloon to each student and made a loop. Then some students read out loud some texts and then we kept silence for a minute for all victims killed by violence.

We must end this and avoid so many deaths and this is achieved only by working as a team as there are more voices that speak, defend and help because the more they join together the better and will be heard better more than a single voice.

viernes, 3 de enero de 2020


Every day the planet is destroyed more and more and the biggest cause of this destruction is us, the humans, with our lack of collaboration in recycling, for example, and this is a very simple thing we destroy the planet.

Recycling is very important as it can save lives or destroy them.

Plastic, for example, damages nature a lot and by simply putting it in its container or in the trash and not throwing it on the ground due to laziness or because the container is too far away we can help nature a lot and avoid many damages.

This problem appeared a long time ago and will continue if we are not together and help each other to reach the goal. There are already many species of animals that are disappearing and we can avoid it if we work together and so we can give a future to the planet, to the next generation and the one that proceeds  It is only a matter of doing something good like recycling, which is very easy to do and it gives our planet a chance since we all live on it and we all have to collaborate.


We have almost finished the year and we will start a new one and I hope it will be better.This year passed very quickly and I have met many new people and I have improved some friendships I had had kept aside.

I don't really focus so much on studies and I started a little badly this school year, especially in English. But a new year will start with new goals and I hope that with more maturity and efforts than last year. This year I have learned many things, I have been discouraged, I have had good times and bad times, I have had more fun and I have realized who is really worth it.

This year I hope to be more mature, focus more on my studies since this will be what will decide my future and have the clearest things and not let myself be influenced by other people.