viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019


Nowadays parents want their children to be the best in everything they do and above all to obtain the best qualifications for their future.

Apart from going to school, teenagers have extracurricular activities such as soccer, rhythmic gymnastics, music class to play any instrument ...some help their parents with the household activities, take care of their younger siblings ..
Most teenagers have many obligations and many responsibilities and parents always ask for good grades and punish them with picking up the cell phone or something else that is important for their son or daughter if they do not get the marks they want.
Also, the teachers make us many things and some long tasks at home.
Many of the teenagers are overwhelmed with so many things.
Everyone says that adolescents do not do anything, they just have to study to get good grades and it is very easy for them, but the truth is that almost everyone has to do things in the afternoon after coming from the school.

I believe that for anyone it is easy and that we all have things and responsibilities and that it is not only difficult for adults as teenagers also suffer and do not want to disappoint their parents. 

Resultado de imagen de had time for teenagers

Buttons and keys

We are every day pressing a button either the command, the computer keys or the mobile.
Our fingers are working and pressing many buttons every day, most using to write in social networks, play the console or play an instrument such as the piano or the clarinet.
Most people do not even know what a button really means.
A button is a round object that can be made of different materials and can have infinite colors that are sewn to the clothes and serves to fasten the garments through a buttonhole.
Most people do not even know how to sew a button to a shirt that is really easy.
Resultado de imagen de botones and keysResultado de imagen de botones and keys

Teachers and being a teacher

The teacher's day on November 27th in Spain, but the teacher's international day on October 5th.
I think that you have to be very patient with the students to become a teacher.
Being a teacher is very difficult because you have to spend a lot of your free time to correct things and the exams of the students. Also sometimes you have to put up with  bad behaviour in class and the truth is that students talk a lot and do not have much respect for teachers.
Some people hate teachers because they say they are just there to fail you or to say bad things to your parents so that they punish you, but they are there to teach you and help you to be someone in the future and have to put up with them. bad behavior of their students.
I admire teachers for all the hard work they do and for helping us to be smarter people and better for the future that awaits us. They are not bad they just want to help us and if they fail you, it means that you have not studied enough and that you have not tried hard to get a pass.

Resultado de imagen de teacher day



Basketball for me is a game that I do not like very much since I did not practise it at primary school. At secondary school the teacher used to make us play basketball. The children in my class were very happy to play, but I got tired and I saw it very boring. My father also liked basketball and used to watch all the games that were played. He always told me about the players and that former players like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird or Tim Durcan were better than the current players.
I do not like basketball, I prefer playing football, which is my favourite sport or another sport.