martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


Nowadays the role of a teacher is very important and more difficult than before.

Now most of the students, especially the secondary school students, are scoundrels.
Every time you lose more respect for teachers and our classmates and it is very difficult to teach. In addition, there are more and more students who have to share a class, some want to study and others just want to bother.
Most people think that the teachers' work is very easy since they only work in the morning, they have free afternoons , weekends, bridges, parties, holidays ... but being with so many students in a class is not something everyone would put up with it.

Now it is when we realize how much we need  teachers and how important  their work they do is not so easy.
Now it is the parents' turn to be the teachers and I do not think they are doing very well especially the younger children who do not want to learn or study, like my brother, who  my mother is always arguing with because she wants his homework. They just want to play, watch cartoons or eat, they don't want to study.
Now it is the time when the most important things is to learn letters, numbers, colors or body parts. Even me and my sister had a hard time adapting to this situation, but I think we got along well carrying out all the tasks we have. The lack of teachers and going to class and meeting your classmates, who you do not stop talking with, is quite noticeable.

In my opinion, I think that being a teacher is very difficult, I could not be because I do not think I could cope with so many children together and so many headaches.

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