Nowadays parents want their children to be the best in everything they do and above all to obtain the best qualifications for their future.
Apart from going to school, teenagers have extracurricular activities such as soccer, rhythmic gymnastics, music class to play any instrument ...some help their parents with the household activities, take care of their younger siblings ..
Most teenagers have many obligations and many responsibilities and parents always ask for good grades and punish them with picking up the cell phone or something else that is important for their son or daughter if they do not get the marks they want.
Also, the teachers make us many things and some long tasks at home.
Many of the teenagers are overwhelmed with so many things.
Everyone says that adolescents do not do anything, they just have to study to get good grades and it is very easy for them, but the truth is that almost everyone has to do things in the afternoon after coming from the school.
I believe that for anyone it is easy and that we all have things and responsibilities and that it is not only difficult for adults as teenagers also suffer and do not want to disappoint their parents.